Financial reporting as an instrument to protect creditors` interest in corporation subsidiaries


  • Ката Шкарић Јовановић Економски факултет Универзитета у Београду, Србија


Financial reporting, protection of creditors` interest, financial reports of subsidiaries, limitations, parent company, solvency assessment, consolidated financial reports


Informing creditors on the assets, liabilities, results and net cash of informing entities in order to make appropriate decisions on investments is considered one of the main objectives of financial reporting. Financial reports can fully contribute to protection of creditors` interest only under condition that they present actual state of financial and yield position of reporting entity. Financial reports of subsidiaries have limited reference power due to their lack of economic independence. They nearly always present financial and yield position designed by the measures of a parent company. Creditors of subsidiaries should have this fact in mind when assessing the credit worthiness of debtors which are subsidiaries. The use of information on financial and yield position of a company as a whole cannot completely remove restrictions on informational value of individual reports of subsidiaries, but they can certainly be mitigated.


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Закон о порезу на добит Републике Српске.






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How to Cite

Financial reporting as an instrument to protect creditors` interest in corporation subsidiaries. (2012). Acta Economica, 10(16), 27-44.

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